Thursday, December 22, 2011

Courtney Grace

     So when the opportunity arose over the weekend for us to find out if we were having a boy or girl, Kathy and I decided to find out so we could tell our family, close friends, and the entire Journey worship service the news as an early christmas present.  So its official that we are having a girl.  The first thought that went through my head was how exciting it would be to be able to give away my daughter at her wedding years from now.  Shortly after that I thought: "I guess I'm going to have to learn how to fix her hair."  So it was a flood of different emotions very quickly.
     When we first decided to learn if we were having a boy or a girl the first "c" name that came to mind was Courtney.  And after discussing quite a few other names we decided to go with Courtney.  (Although Carson still prefers Donkey)  It really is kind of cool to already have a name picked out this early.  Instead of referring to the baby as "the baby" we can call her by her name.  I love it.
     I can't really explain the feeling I have right now, it is so much different than the feeling I remember when we found out Carson was a boy.  I know there will be a different dynamic in my relationship with Courtney than with Carson.  I get the feeling that Courtney will have me wrapped around her little finger from day one.  And I know Carson will be a great big brother and protector of his little sister.  And I know Kathy will love making things and picking out cute girl clothes and bows for her.
     It is such an exciting time during the holidays to be able to think about all that goes along with having a girl.  I can't wait till the end of May for Courtney Grace Anderson to join us.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Darryl Kile

     I was reading a book recently and it referenced Darryl Kile who pitched in the major leagues for the Houston Astros, Colorado Rockies, and St. Louis Cardinals.  He passed away at age 33 of a heart attack.  Shortly after his death the Astros and Cardinals created an award in his honor.  It is simply called the Darryl Kile Good Guy Award.  Simply put the award goes to a player who exemplifies his characteristics as: "a good teammate, a great friend, a fine father, and a humble man."
     Sometimes it may be hard but I myself strive to be those things to people.  I can be a good teammate by simply being e a team player at church and at youth.  I can be a great friend by simply listening and helping my friends who they need it, or even when they don't.  I can be a fine father by learning from those fathers I know and respect (like Rick Knox).  And I can be a humble man by emulating Joseph.  (I'm talking about Jesus' earthly father in this instance)
     Once I think about it, it really isn't that hard to do.  Sometimes its challenging but we have others who have come before us that we can look up to for help and guidance.  We can model our behavior after those role models.  So today strive to be good, great, fine, and humble.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Be Still.....

"Be still and know that I am God."  Psalm 46:10
This has been one of my favorite verses for a long time.  I seem to hear it all the time, probably because God wants me to hear it so much.  I think of it when I watch the NOOMA video entitled noise, which I watch occasionally when I need to slow down my brain.  I remember hearing it when Joseph Nader talked to the youth shortly after I arrived in Granbury.  It was used as a favorite verse for a small group skit at discovery a couple years ago. (incidentally I think Joseph was the adult in that group, but I might be misremembering)  I heard it last night at a complemtative worship service led by Kennon Pickett.  (Awesome job by the way bro)

It has been a favorite verse of mine, but it has also been one of the most difficult to adhere to sometimes.  I mean how hard is it: be still and know.  Yet, for anyone who knows me at all, it is probably not surprising to know that I have a very hard time sitting still.  I was fidgeting in the pew after an ad council meeting a couple weeks ago and Michael Horn used something out of Paul Gravley's sermon by saying to me in reference to my fidgeting: "God loves you just the way you are, but loves you too much to keep you that way."  It was funny, well placed, and absolutely true.  So I have been working for quite a while on being able to simply be still and listen.

I thought about Psalm 46:10 again last night and remembering how hard it used to be for me to be still.  It is still difficult, but I am getting better at it.  I have kind of taught myself to be still for a few minutes twice a day (with the help of a reminder on my phone of course) to just find a quiet spot and listen to what God has to say to me without me talking.  It really helps me personally to have that time, I know it can help anyone to have that "quiet" time to just listen to what God has to say to you.


Thought for the day:
"God loves you just the way you are, but loves you too much to keep you that way."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Isaiah 42:9

"Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things;
Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you."

This verse stuck out to me a couple weeks ago when it was read in our first staff meeting with our new senior pastor, Paul Gravley.  I remember this verse and was reminded of the time before when I heard this verse.  I remember hearing a sermon on it a few years back, I'm assuming I heard it in Gainesville but I'm not sure.  Interesting how perspective can change over just a few years.  To me this verse reminds me of how God is in control of past, present, and future.  We must use the past (our mistakes and successes), in the present, for a better future.  And out of that knowledge new things will "spring forth" and take us to where God wants us to go.  We must put our trust and our plans and our life in His hands.  Here's to new things.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Lion King (to Carson)

To Carson:

   Carson and I were watching one of his favorite (and my favorite) movies The Lion King last night.  We stopped it at the point where Simba and Mufasa are talking after Simba has just got in trouble.  After a heart to heart Simba asks his dad: "We're pals right?"
     It got me to thinking about fathers and sons and the word pals.  I love my relationship with my boy and hope we will always be pals.  I strive for that everyday with him.  Even after he gets in trouble, we are still pals.  I treasure the opportunity to run around the yard with him.  I treasure being able to run around and "tackle" each other.  I treasure being able to "box with the tickle monster" with him.  (And those are his words not mine)
     We are pals and I will keep that relationship with him for as long as I can.  I know there will be struggles and I know eventually at least one of us will grow up, but deep down I know we will always be pals.  I wouldn't have it any other way

love you kiddo

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I went to see the movie Courageous this weekend, and by the way it is a very good movie.  (Although the twist of the alien space ship with Winnie the Pooh in the middle of the movie was kind of weird.)  That's an inside joke, you would of had to have been there.

I was talking to a couple of our youth afterward and their perspective about the end of the movie struck me.  They brought about ideas that I hadn't even thought about and we discussed the film and each viewpoint.  Maybe this is why community is so important to our faith.  Without their perspective I wouldn't have even thought about a different viewpoint on the movie and the main theme of the movie.  I am thankful for their perspective, it allows me to think about other ideas.

So community is important.  I can read scripture all I want, but to be a christian to the fullest I need community.  I believe we all do.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Gospel According to.....

I have noticed that there are a lot of books entitled "The Gospel According to....."  I've seen the gospel according to Harry Potter, Disney, The Big Lebowski, The Simpsons, The Beverley Hillbillies, among others.  I even have the Gospel According to Star Wars, Superman, and LOST.

Why why are there so many books about how pop culture can be seen in the bible?  Well I think there are many reasons.  First, the bible has sold more copies than any other book.  Second, the bible is still relevant after all these years, few books have been relevant for that long.  Third, we should look for the bible in as many things as we possibly can because is it relevant and because it is so important.  The bible can teach us so much that we look for it in anything and everything.  Not only do we do that, but we should do that.  That keeps the bible relevant in today's world and in our individual lives.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Jonah, Jonah

     The last couple of weeks we have talked about the story of Jonah.  Thomas Q. Robbins is also conducting a sermon series on Jonah.  Growing up as a kid the only thing I really knew about Jonah was that he was swallowed by a whale and spit up (or as veggie tales puts it barfed up) on shore three days later.  I suppose that everyone knows that part of the story because we have seen plays or musicals about it or because it makes for interesting coloring pages for children.  But really that is only a small part of the story.  In fact the whale is only mentioned in these three ways:
     1. the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah (1:17)
     2. from inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord (2:1)
     3. the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land (2:10)
     The big fish is a very important part of the story.  God sends the fish as a means of salvation not punishment. (thanks to the Wesley Study Bible for making me sound so eloquent.)
     There is much more to the story.  Jonah first responds to God's call by running away and then when given a second chance (after being swallowed by a big fish) he does what God asks.  How many times have we ran the other way when we are asked to do something?  How many times have we not responded to God's call when asked?
     And yet God does for us what he did for Jonah.  Time and time again we are given a second chance to do what is asked of us by God.  Not because we deserve it but simply because that is who God is and what he willingly does for us.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


     As we get ready to start youth back up again this school year I can't help but think about the great group of seniors we had graduate in May.  They were leaders in the youth group and in the church.  As I reflect I see that the last three years we have had a great group of leaders step up.
     I think the reason we always have a great group of leaders graduate is because of the graduates and because of the younger ones still here.  The graduates set such an example that once they leave the younger ones can't help but step up and fill that leadership void.  I can't wait to see how our current youth step up and fill that void in their own way.  There are many different leadership examples that our youth can model from other youth and adults.
      I can't wait to see how the youth grow as leaders at their various colleges and to see how our youth grow into bigger leadership roles here.

see everyone real soon

Monday, August 8, 2011


I was trying to think of something to blog about and I was (maybe still am) experiencing writers block. Then something struck me as I was watching the Hall of Fame Induction of Shannon Sharpe. The most telling part of his speech was about his relationship with his brother. And something he said struck me: "no one but me and my brother will know how it was."

As brothers growing up one constant was that we always knew how the other one felt. And I could never fully explain what it is like having a twin who pretty much knew me as well as I knew myself. And I knew him just as well. I still know how to get Jason from calm to irate in 2.4 seconds flat. No one else knows how and I know at least five of them. Not surprisingly they all have to do with sports. I'm sure he can do the same to me. When I ever get to give a meaningful toast in his honor maybe I will just share all those "key words" with everyone we know.

It's cool trying to explain that to others but only he and I know the full extent of how well we knew each other. Hopefully everyone is able to have a similar friend like that growing up.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Want to Hear God Laugh.....Tell Him You Have Plans

     I've been thinking about plans a lot lately.  Plans for youth in the fall, plans for what direction the youth should go in, weekly chore schedules, plans (or timetable) for having another kid, etc.  (And before anyone starts texting me or we are not pregnant.  We have just talked about it.  So relax, that's how rumors get started.)
     In regards to plans: sometimes unexpected things happen.  That's life.  When those things do happen how we handle them is very important.  How we as individuals handle them is important.  How we as a church community handle them is important.
     I, and a lot of other people I assume, like to be in control of things.  But I once heard someone say that control is an illusion.  We are not in control, God is in control.  One of the lessons I am still learning is that I cannot and never will be able to completely be in control of every situation.  What I can control is how I react to a given situation.  Do I react in anger or confusion or do I react with optimism and grace?
     I am not in control, God is in control.  I trust that he knows what is best and he has a plan.  And whatever that plan is, it is far and away the best plan.  I have to be able to wrap my mind around that concept and hopefully those of you who read this can wrap your mind around that concept too.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Senior Week

     How do I express the way I felt as the seniors graduated last week? Is there a fitting tribute to seniors each year as they graduated?
     Last week at church we honored the seniors as we have in the past by honoring them with a breakfast. We, as a church, wanted to do more. So we had the graduates come down during prayer time in the service so family, friends, and church members could pray with them and pray for them. I had a great viewpoint. I was able to pray for all of them and was able to see the looks on their faces. I even felt a couple of their tears fall on my hands.
     On Wednesday we allowed the seniors to speak to the rest of the youth and share what youth has meant to them. That was great....what happened next is what really stuck with me. There were a lot of tears. From the seniors, from the other youth, and even from me. All the youth hung out and just talked and there were a lot of hugs and talking with the graduates. I hope is was a meaningful time for everyone involved.
     Then at graduation to see five of our youth sitting on stage and speaking (or singing) during commencement.  How cool was that?  Then to see all the youth go across the stage as their names well called.
     I know we honored the seniors throughout the week but I feel like the one who has been honored over the last three and a half years to see this group grow in their faith and in their leadership of our youth. I have learned so much from then and hope they have learned just as much from me and from each other.

Good luck on this next chapter

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Hours Are Long.....

     I was asked on Sunday if I would do the devotional for United Methodist Men this week.  I knew how much "busy" work I had to do today.  Being that I don't like saying no I decided to share the lesson I shared with the confirmation class this week about how I got into ministry.
     One phrase about ministry during that discussion stuck out.  We refer to them as Boydisms.  It is one of Boyd's best quotes, maybe the ultimate quote of wisdom: "The hours are long, but at least the pay sucks."  I knew then ministry was not about the money, and I still know that today.  We don't do it for the money, if we did we would be seriously misguided in more ways than one.  First, in most cases the "big time" money isn't there and second (and more importantly) that should not be a determining factor on why we do ministry.  Every year our youth or our church pay money for our youth to go on a mission trip and work.  We actually pay to work.  This is because we are in ministry and ministry is not about going on vacation, it is about serving wherever we are.  Which makes the price for us well worth it.  Yes, a lot of times the hours are long, and yes most of the time the pay "sucks."  And you know what, I wouldn't change it for anything.
     The experience for me, for us, and for others far outways the cost.  Mission trip is always the best part of the year for me at our church.  There is always something awesome that happens for me and for our youth on that trip.  And every year, I can't wait to go back again.


PS-and for those youth reading this, I will gladly do 20 pushups for using the word sucks twice...make that 30 pushups.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


     So I had grand plans for Lent and not watching television, blogging....etc.  I did very, very well for the first three and a half weeks with those disciplines.  And happened.  Things got busy, stressful situations happened and I was not as faithful to those disciplines as I would have liked to have been.  I thought of the verse by Paul that says: "we all fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)
     Even though I was not as faithful to these disciplines as I would have liked to have been, a lot of good did come out of it.  I got a lot of reading done which I will continue to do in the evenings before bed.  I know reading would be a lot better use of my time than surfing the internet or watching espn.  I suppose if my brother can go completely without ESPN and can at least cut down on watching it every night.  And although I do not plan on blogging everyday at least once or twice a week would be good.
     It all comes down to our attitude and recognizing what is important to us and what should be important to us.  I want to continue to grow spiritually.  To do that I need to devote more time and energy into what really matters for my growth.

grace & peace

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lent Day 44: Holy Week

     I am pretty excited about the holy week services that start tonight.  We will be going to the Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter services this year.  I am excited to be able to go to all the services and experience the different aspects of each service as we "countdown" to Easter.  I really enjoyed last night at youth going to the prayer garden and reflecting on Jesus time in the garden of Gethsemane.  I really enjoyed being able to look at that part of the story as I lead in to the rest of the week.  I expressed to the youth that sometimes I feel like me overlook that part of the story where Jesus is struggling with what he knows is about to happen and how the disciples are not even able to stay awake for an hour to pray with Jesus.  Is shows their humanity that at such an important time that were willing but nevertheless unable to stay awake and pray with Jesus.  In an odd way, I take comfort in that.  Sometimes we turn our back on Jesus.  He knows we will.  And He takes us back...everytime.

Here's hoping we continue to progress and continue to learn

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lent Day 41: Your Plans?

Evan: "This whole building an ark thing doesn't really fit into my plans here."
God: "Your plans." (laughing)

     That exchange from Evan Almighty reminds me of a magnet on Doris' fridge that says: wanna make god laugh just tell him you have plans.  What exactly does this mean to us sometimes?  Jeremiah 29:11 says in a nutshell: For I (God) know the plans I have for you....."  I think we all wonder sometimes what that plan is, agreed?  We as a culture are very visual.  I big part of being a youth director and working with youth is having faith.  Let me explain. 
     Working in ministry you don't always get to SEE with your eyes the fruits of your labor.  You talk, discuss, ask questions, learn, debate, and struggle.. and then the youth graduate.  I have to hope and have faith that something I have said or something the youth have experienced has made an impact on their life.  When any of us graduate high school, or college for that matter we may still be searching for that plan, and that is okay. 
     A few times in my life I have seen Jeremiah 29:11 used as a senior recognition verse.  It speaks of God's plan for us, and that it is a good plan.  At that point in their lives, I just hope and have faith that the youth know that they haven't reached the pinnacle, and there is still much growing and learning to do.

enjoy The Journey

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lent Day 39: Proud

I really liked seeing all the posts and pictures about prom today. Especially when it was the parents who were posting the pictures. They were so proud of their girls and how they looked in their dresses. So I suppose this is one of those moments that parents will remember for forever such as early birthdays, graduation, weddings, and the like.
I know those important days will be here sooner than I think for Carson. It seems like about every other day is like that for Carson. All the funny things he does seem so important. I can't imagine what it will be like when he is a senior and goes to prom and graduation. Yikes.

Hope everyone had fun at prom

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lent Day 38: What's Really Important

I was listening to an audiobook today that talked about village elders and the reason people went to them for advice was because they had been around a while. Since they had been around so long they knew what was lasting and what was a "fad."
For instance: faith in Jesus and the Church is lasting, whereas faith in money or possessions isn't. We may struggle with it sometimes but we need to put our faith in something that lasts. Something that our children can have faith in. Something that our grandchildren can have faith in. Fads come and go but Jesus is lasting. So we should focus on the important things, the big things, the things that matter.

grace & peace

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lent Day 36: Mentor

     So I was thinking about what to write today and a youth asked me where I got the cross around my neck.  I answered by saying it was a gift from a friend, a mentor, and someone I truly love and respect more than I could explain.  In typical youth fashion she responded by asking: "I meant what store did it come from."  I just laughed.
     I have had this cross for almost 11 years now.  I don't think I have kept up with any material possesion for a longer period of time.  Incidentally it did get me to thinking about who gave it to me and what a mentor is and what they mean to us.  I have had a few mentors now but Boyd sticks out more than the rest.  I guess living with someone and their family for three summers kind of sticks with you.  All those nights where Julie would just leave Boyd and I in the living room asleep on the couches with dr peppers in hand not knowing when either one of us would get up and actually go to sleep in a bed like a normal person.  Sorry, I'm rambling.
     Boyd is responsible for me being in youth ministry today...with a help from Julie who first invited me to help with small groups with her even though I was not so reliable at the time.  Boyd saw something in me that I did not see in myself.  He believed in me.  He asked me to come work for him in Houston as a summer intern in 2000 and I was hooked.  He asked me to come work for him again in 2001 (I declined and went to summer school) then I worked for him again in 2002 and 2005.  (I'm glad I skipped summer school that year and took him up on his offer otherwise I wouldn't have met Kathy) 
     We had our differences, mainly because he think alike and always want to be in control.  We have our similarities, such as our penchant for having to have a very specific type of pen.  Of which his original and my original have been discontinued so we have had to move on to a backup plan.  But most importantly I had him and his family in my life when I needed them most.  I do not know where I would be without them and I cannot thank them enough.  But thank you for believing in me, Boyd.

Happy birthday dude

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lent Day 35: Distraction

     Okay, so I haven't posted in the last three days.  It's been kind of hectic with a lot of "stuff" going on.  Other things took precedent so hopefully this post will be worth the wait.
     Distraction.  So today, and probably for the rest of the week, they are replacing parts of the roof here at church.  It is pretty noisy and pretty distracting.  And it is driving me nuts.  However, Tiffany brought up something interesting about the noise this morning.  She was praying and amid the constant banging and noise she felt like she got it, that God was speaking to her through the distraction.  That we needed to work through the distractions.  (or something like that)  At the beginning of Lent I brought up that we can seek God in the silence.  I believe we can hear God in the distraction as well.  We have all these distractions and noise around us, and God can and does speak to us through those.  A lot of times those distractions are difficult.  We struggle, maybe we don't understand at the time.  But we learn from those struggles.  We learn from them and in turn they help shape who we are.  We learn more about ourselves from those distractions than maybe we could possibly understand at the time.  Just sayin :)


Friday, April 8, 2011

Lent Day 31: Where We Are

     Okay so I skipped day 30.  I've had a lot going on in the last few days and I went to the dentist yesterday and then went to Fort Worth and when we got home I just decided it would be fun to play outside with Carson and the neighbors...hence no blog yesterday.
     I have been thinking a lot about how sometimes we think we have to have it all together.  I know that I sometimes think I have it all together or act like I have it all together but really when I think about it that isn't true all the time.  The great thing about people who love us is they meet us where we are.  If we are struggling, if we are hurting, if we are frustrated, if we are broken our loved ones will meet us where we are to help us overcome those obstacles and those hurts.  I believe we get that model from Jesus.  He loved everyone unconditionally and we are called to do the same.  Our loved ones (whoever they may be) will meet us where we are at and accept us for who we are with all our flaws and all our struggles and help us be better people.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lent Day 29: 1 Thessalonians 5:18

     This is a follow up to the post from yesterday...which incidentally was written about ten minutes before this one.  We were talking about psalm 92 today in staff meeting and I thought about this verse afterwards and then I was reminded of it again when George was praying and mentioned it.  I think God was trying to reinforce the importance of the verse to me today.  The verse states that we should give thanks to God in all circumstances.  ALL circumstances.  I often find, and others may as well, that it seems easier to pray when things are not going well for us and easier to give thanks when things are going well.  I bring up prayer because "pray continually" is the verse right before this one.  If we are to give thanks in all circumstances shouldn't we be praying and giving thanks both when things are going well and when they are not.  I hope that makes sense.  A lot of times it is easier for me to pray when something is bothering me than to pray when things are going great.  I know I need to be better about that with my family and with the youth.  So I'm asking anyone who reads this to hold me share prayers of thanksgiving.

grace & peace

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lent Day 28: 1 Thessalonians 5:17

     I have been thinking a lot about prayer lately.  I have been reading a book on prayer and we have been watching the movie Letter to God which focuses quite a bit on prayer.  One of the shortest if not the shortest verses in the bible is 1 Thessalonians 5:17.  It simply states: pray continually or pray without ceasing. (depending on which bible you have) So how do we do that?  We should approach everything as if it is a prayer.  Everything we do should be prayerful.  From the way we talk to our family in the morning, to the way with interact with our friends and co-workers, to the way we talk to our neighbors, and to the way we approach our interaction with an opposing softball team.  (In case you are wondering that is who I came in contact with today)  Our actions and words should reflect our faith.  The best way to "pray continually" is to make prayer a big part of your daily life.  After all, it was a pretty big part of the life of you know who.....


Monday, April 4, 2011

Lent Day 27: Looking in the Mirror

     Yesterday after Sunday School one of our youth (Kyle Cantrell) said and I quote: "Tyler, you should get a dog and you should name him DOG, so that way when he looks in the mirror he sees GOD."
     A couple thoughts on this statement:
      1.  I'm pretty sure he meant it as a joke
      2.  it has double meaning
      3.  wether intended or not, it does have some meaning beyond the humor for which it was intended.

     Funny how something intended to be funny can have so much meaning to me even though it was probably not intended to make me think, it did.  If we look in the mirror who do we see?  Well of course we see ourselves.  But it says in Genesis 1:27 that we are made in God's image.  So when we look in the mirror are we looking at an image of God?  Yes.  We were made in God's image so when we look in the mirror we see at least a glimpse of God.  So remember that today, that you were created in God's image.

have a great week

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lent Day 26: I'M BATMAN

     So admit it, your surprised it's been so long since I made a batman reference.  I just couldn't think of a post that was meaningful that had something to do with Batman until today.  So there are many "pearls of wisdom" I impart to Carson.  Let's just say that some are more meaningful than others and leave it at that. Well one of those is when he sees Batman (of which there are many around the house) or he sees a Batman t-shirt he says: I'm Batman.  And I have taught him to say it in a low, gruff sounding voice like in the last couple of movies.  Generally Carson only uses that "special" voice when he says I'm Batman....that is until today.
     We were at the neighbors house when Carson says to Kynlee in his low "special" voice: "give me some goldfish."  Kathy and Robyn seemed a bit confused. I, on the other hand, thought it was hilarious and knew where the voice came from.  It was just so funny that he asked for goldfish in that way.  It sounded so demanding because of the way he said it.  I guess he did pick up the voice correctly just maybe not when and why he is supposed to use it.  I suppose we will have to work on that.

grace & peace

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lent Day 25: Wednesday....

     You might notice that today is Saturday and yet the title of my post is Wednesday.  If you are confused let me explain.  Most people refer to Wednesday as hump day because its the middle of the week and they might hit kind of a lull at some point during the day.  And they simply have to get over the hump so they are productive the rest of the week.  Well we are in day 25 of the 46 days (including sundays) of Lent.  So I did great for the first two and a half weeks.  For one I was posting early in the morning most of the time and now my post are quite a bit later in the day.  (or so I have been told by two people in particular)  Also I read 3 and 1/2 books in the first two and a half weeks of lent and have only read a little over half a book in the during the last week.  I don't know what it is, I guess I have just been "slackin" a little.  (thanks for use of that word Chance.)
     I guess what I need to do is get over that hump and focus on the rest of  Lent and do what I set out to do better so I don't feel rushed to finish those books.  On the bright side, I haven't slacked by watching tv, but I guess playing video games a little and reading stuff online isn't real useful sometimes either.  So its time to buckle down and have an attitude like I had the first couple of weeks of Lent.
     But first: its a nice day, I think I'll go play outside.  It is family time afterall.

enjoy the nice weather, check in with you first thing tomorrow morning

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lent Day 24: Little Helper

     Carson seems to like helping put away his toys.  He does it at home and he especially loves doing it at school.  I think it is because he wants to show his friends and teachers how much of a big boy he is and how much he can help.  Well today he was helping put up a magnet doodle up above his cubby and it fell on his face and he ended up with a black eye.  It's okay and his teachers said he recovered pretty quickly.
     I'm sure it won't be the last time he has a little bump, scratch, or black eye.  I guess the positive is that he was helping his friends and teachers clean up and that is why he has a black eye.  Hopefully he continues to help.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Lent Day 23B: The Driveway

     A bonus post for today.  Well actually its because there wasn't a post yesterday.
Carson wanted to ride his bike down the driveway by himself without any help.  Kathy was a little hesitant.  Daddy...not so much.  Then he rode all the way down the driveway across the street and up the other driveway, when he fell down simply trying to turn too quickly.  Oops.  Figures he would get through the hard part and then crash on the easy part.  The way I figure it, there was no blood so he was okay.  I'm sure there is some metaphor that would work here about having to "let go" or "they need to learn."  So you can insert your thought here:
     Carson is getting braver and braver each time he tries something and the scary or nice thing is that he wants to do almost everything by himself.  I wonder if he wants to show everyone how big he is and the way for him to do that is to insist on doing it himself.  Well, I guess eventually he will be trying to ride his bike without training wheels and probably fall down a time or two.  Here's hoping he recovers as quickly then as he did today.


Lent Day 23A: Numbers

     I spoke at chapel for the preschool yesterday morning, which I do quite a bit.  Usually the kids are pretty wound up and everyone answers everytime you ask a question (without raising their hand)  Yesterday we talked about numbers and for some reason they were quiet and listened the whole time.  I thought to myself, wow chapel couldn't have gotten any better.  I was wrong.
     Kathy called me at youth last night and said she just had to tell me something.  She was talking to Carson and asked him about chapel-which she does most if not all wednesdays.  She asks Carson who spoke at chapel and what they talked about and he usually responds by saying I don't know.  Last night when she asked him who taught chapel he yelled: MY DADDY.  Then she asked him what I talked about and he yelled: NUMBERS.
     It really made helped me be in a great mood during youth last night having heard how excited he was that I had taught chapel...and that he actually remembered what I talked about.  Gotta love numbers.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lent Day 21: I Need a Nap

     Have you ever noticed that when it is overcast outside that everyone seems to one to take a nap?  I have seen numerous posts on facebook today about wanting to do just that.  What is it about the weather that effects our mood so much?  No really has anybody done research on this to figure it out?  Because frankly, I'm just to tired to look it up right now....


PS-sometimes you just have to throw in a meaningless blog post just for the fun of it...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lent Day 18 and 19 and 20: Balance

     Okay so I've had a busy weekend and I didn't want to post something that felt rushed or was "fluff" (thanks for use of that word Misty)  We took a confirmation field trip to the Methodist Children's Home saturday and went to JJ and Lydia's birthday party yesterday.  So here is a post to sum up the weekend and get you a start on your monday morning, at least that's the hope
     Dawne Phillips and I were talking on saturday about her Discipleship/Mission topic for confirmation and she said something that really resonated with me in a big way.  She said something to the effect of :"if we are going to teach others to be disciples and serve then there must be a balance in our own spiritual lives." 
     I found this very helpful.  I thought about having a balance between work, family, and a little time to relax.  I think having a balance is important in all aspects of our lives.  There are weeks and times of the year that are very busy for me as a youth director which means I have to balance those busy times by having some more family time during the times of the year where my schedule is not so hectic.  I have also found how important it is to take some "sabbath" time just to decompress and relax and read a book just for fun or go play golf (the kid in me even finds the occasional time to play a video game or two)  I find that taking this time seems to make it easier to focus and be more productive with my time working and studying during the rest of the week.
     You have probably heard that for everything in nature there is a balance.  So duh, we should know that we need balance.  That way we don't burn out or get frustrated too easily with the day to day grind that me sometimes experience.  I know that sometimes we have deadlines, and we have a ton of stuff to do so it can be difficult to take time for ourselves.  But we have to do it so we can be balanced in our lives.
     Another balance in our spiritual lives, especially for me working in ministry is for me personally to grow spiritually.  I love teaching and mentoring and helping the youth grow in their spiritual lives.  In order for me to do that to the best of my ability I must be dynamic in my spiritual life and not stagnant.  I must be growing and not standing still.  I must have some balance in my spiritual life.  And I think that goes for anyone in ministry (or anyone for that matter)

Here's hoping your life is in balance in the next days of this lenten season and beyond.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Lent Day 17: Journaling/Blogging

     Why do people journal?  For me it started a few years ago and I journaled everyday for about two years.  I realized that wasn't very effective because somedays I just didn't have too much to say, so I ended up just writing one or two sentences about what I did that day.  When I went back and look at those composition books there are some important things in there, but not a whole lot.  It did help when I looked at them because I could remember for instance how I felt at a couple important times in my life such as graduating college, how I felt when Kathy and I first met (this entry was two days before I locked her keys in her trunk if you are wondering Doris :), and what my thoughts were on our first date.  I was not journaling when Carson was born or when we got married, although I wish I had been.
     But I digress.  I like journaling, or now blogging because it seems to help center me.  I am able to write my thoughts down and keep a record of them.  I did think that I was one of about three people to read it most of the time..but during lent I know that there are a few people who I believe or know are reading it everyday, which means a lot.  I just hope they are getting something useful out of it. 
     It's cool when I run into someone at church who tells me she is enjoying reading it.  (thanks neighbor)  or I get a text about it (thanks Doris and Chance) or to see someone reading it when I wake up in the morning (wife whom I love so much) or a facebook message about it that makes me tear up (a double thanks for making me tear up Kathryn)  and to those who inform Kathryn via facebook about a blog post which causes Kathryn to read it which causes her to tear up which causes her to send me a message that causes me to tear up (thanks Courtney)
     Okay, I'm rambling, just wanted to say it means a lot that others find my "thoughts" meaningful.  If I have forgotten to thank anyone, send me a comment and I will thank you personally :)  Hope these entries find you well each time you read them, and even when you don't.

have a wonderful day

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lent Day 16: Picture Day

     Today is picture day at Carson's school and a heard something that made me think back to my childhood, or more specifically my sister's childhood.  Of course I am used to getting Carson ready most mornings, and the most trying part of those mornings is fixing his crazy hair.  (which is why we are going to get him a summer haircut)  I can't imagine if we had a girl and I had to fix her hair....YIKES!!!
     Back to the story.  This morning as I was dropping Carson off, another dad was dropping off his little girl and he had a brush in his hand and asked her teacher if she could brush her hair because he usually doesn't fix her hair and isn't sure how she likes it.  It made me smile and want to laugh.
     When we were growing up and my mom was out of town, my dad had no idea how to fix my sister's hair and in Stephanie's words: "that's not how Mom does it."  So rather than have it look bad or do it wrong he would take a brush with him to school and have Stephanie's teachers do it.  Which when you think about it is a smart idea on my dad's part.  Why argue with a strong willed child when her teacher can do it better anyway?
     I guess if we have a girl I will have to learn how to fix her hair at some point.  It would be a learning experience, but hey Carson is a learning experience too.  I always joke that I wouldn't know how to raise a girl and that God wouldn't do that to me....but God does have a sense of humor so he very well might.  After all he did name one of his creatures the platypus.  And you have to have a sense of humor to come up with that name.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lent Day 15: Not a Normal Wednesday

     So for those of you who don't know, wednesdays for youth directors can be pretty long and sometimes hectic days.  I usually take about 30 minutes in the afternoon to rest and just relax before all the youth get there.  That is a practice I started about a year and a half ago.  And I started to wonder why it took me so long to be able to relax on a wednesday afternoon.  Then the answer suddenly came to me....I have help (from Kathryn) getting things done, setting things up on Wednesdasys.   And we even have time to have fun and goof off a little bit.
     The reason I bring this up is today I was not able to rest much or relax since Kathryn ("my boss") as her and I jokingly refer to her was at home recovering from her surgery and I got to get everything prepared and ready to go by myself.  It was quite a bit of work.  I missed not having help with preparing and setting up but the thing I missed the most today were those pointless conversations we have about nothing in particular.
     Get well soon Kathryn.  We all missed you tonight

see you soon

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lent Day 14: On the Path

I supposed most of us as Christians have heard the term striving for perfection and although we cannot and will not be perfect, that is what we should strive for.  I read a book last week and one line stuck out to me more than any other: we as Christians do not have to be perfect, but we do have to be on the path.  I know some people have a negative view of Christians because sometimes are actions do not follow what we say.  I know sometimes life can be difficult and there are things that show our imperfections but its how we deal with those that is important.  Are we perfect?  No.  Are we on the path?  For our sake, let's hope the answer is a resounding yes.

grace & peace

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lent Day 13: Bible as Prayer

     We talked yesterday in confirmation about how the bible relates to prayer and how we read the bible and how much time we devote to it. It got me to thinking about how much better our scripture reading could be if we treated every time we read the bible as a prayer.
     First, i think we would treat it as talking to God and letting his word speak through us. Second, we would be less inclined to rush through it. Third, I believe we would be able to focus more easily. I know some of us, including me, have a daily bible reading and I occasionally rush through it and don't give it the time it deserves. I am going to be better about seeing it for what it is: the inspired word of God. I know that will help me in getting more from it and giving it my undivided attention daily.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lent Day 12: Individual Bible Study

     We are going to try a few different bible study approaches in the next couple of months to give the youth some different forms of study they can use.  I believe some of them might be more popular than others.  We did a new bible study this evening which was more individual, quiet, one-on-one with God meditative type study.  The entire exercise took 30 minutes and the youth were not able to talk, just to follow a guided format.  It worked out really well, everyone was focused and quiet and did not disrupt anyone else (except for me when I ran into a chair and made a little noise)
     I tried the exercise this morning at home before anyone was awake and then tonight along with the youth.  I was surprised by how much faster it seemed to go the second time around.  I'm not sure if it was the setting or if it was because it was the second time around, or if I was just more focused.  The exercise reminded me of Psalm 46:10-Be still and know that I am God.
     Here's to more types of bible study that we can introduce others to so that they may learn that there are many ways to study The Book.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lent Day 11: Brother

     For those of you who may not know, I have always been a pretty competitive person.  I know, you are all shocked to hear that.  The one person I have always been the most competitive with is my brother Jason.  Whether it was playing sports, watching sports or playing video games.  (I remember the incident with the nintendo controller when Jason hit a grand slam off of me in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the game.  I got so mad that I threw the contoller straight into the ground.  As bad luck would have it, the controller bounced up and put a crack in the screen covering of the brand new television in our room.  Since we wanted to live we took the plastic screen off the tv and hid it in the closet and my parents didn't find out about it.)
     Well the competitiveness hasn't changed much.  Of course we both like the Broncos but when it comes to basketball our opinions differ slightly: I'm a Spurs fan, Jason is a Mavs fan.  Which makes when they play really interesting.  We went to the game last night and so there had to be a bet, it was decided the loser had to go to work today or tomorrow with a mustache.  Luckily the Spurs won this game, I would have looked goofy with a mustache.  It makes thing fun when they play and we can root against each other and our competiveness....well it's still there.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Lent Day 10: Makes Me Think...

I've heard something a couple of times in the last three days that has made me think a little bit about where we focus our time and energy.  Let me explain.  We were watching a live stream event on Monday night and as we were watching it, I was logged on to google looking to see what people were posting online.  About 9 out of every 10 posts were negative.  I thought that was curious and it got me to thinking why that might be:
    1. anger or "venom" as I referred to it today is a very strong powerful emotions and we sometimes let it get the best of us, very easily and without thinking.  I think if we took time to think about it, we wouldn't feel so strongly about it.
    2. some people just want something to be negative about and are looking for someone to validate their opinion, wether it is right or wrong.
    3. on the flipside when people like something they are so at peace that sometimes I don't believe they feel the need to express their happiness with it.  They are happy with it and that is what matters most.
    4. and maybe happiness and contentment are not as strong of emotions as anger

So I challenge anyone who reads this to make a point today to make known when you are happy with something or someone today.  It really can make a huge difference in a very positive way.

kevin (or as Carson says: Daddio, Daddio)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lent Day 9: A Hill or Mountain

Have you ever stood at the foot of a hill or mountain and thought to yourself, there's no way I can get to the top? But then you decide to start and you climb, and climb, and climb and you finally reach the top. And you are able to look back at what you have just been through and the work it took to get there. You can look forward to the trek back down the hill or mountain knowing you can do it. And somehow you just know the trip down is going to be enjoyable...
Have you ever thought of your faith walk in this way? We have struggles in our lives and with our faith that take our time, effort, and energy to get through them. But we work hard and with help from others we are able to work through them and get to a point where we "get it."
That is when some of us have the mountaintop experience and you just know things are going to be different and better in our lives and in our faith. And when you get to that point....isn't it a fun ride down the mountain, knowing what you now know.

Have fun on the mountain

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lent Day 8: Boys Will be Boys

We are visiting Kathy's cousins in Athens and yesterday we were playing in the backyard and they let us know their neighbors had a 6 story high tree house. So of course we had to go see it and of course I had to climb to the top (and so did our eight year old cousin). He's climb to the top numerous times before.
We quickly made our way up to the top and we could see for miles in every direction across the fields, pastures, and trees. Kathy, Carson, Aunt Barb, and Jacee looked so small down below. I took a picture from above and Carson looks like an orange dot because of the orange shirt he is wearing.
I guess as the toys r us song goes: "I don't want to grow up." I just had to swing on the rope swing on the way down. So maybe I've grown up a little since I was a kid....but not much.

grace & peace

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lent Day 7: Time Away

     I think it is important for each of us to have time away from our normal schedule.  Even for me, whose schedule is not a typical 9-5 job.  I believe we need time away to be able to do things that refresh us.  There are many things we can do.  I often times will spend time walking around outside after Kathy and Carson have gone to sleep.  Our neighbor had been home all week last week with a sick two year old so she took a day to go shopping with her older daughter.  My brother normally plays golf every Thursday (the way he plays golf though, makes me wonder if that is relaxing at all)  Whatever you do with that sabbath time: play golf, spend time with family, read a book, go shopping, etc, it is important to have it.
     It reminds me of Exodus 20:8-11 where God speaks about keeping the sabbath day holy because it belongs to him.  I guess it must be pretty important because its a commandment, and there's only ten of those.  Everyone needs a sabbath and time away from the hustle and bustle of their everyday work and everyday lives.
     This practice is hard for me more often than not.  Quite often I have to force myself to have some time to myself away from work.  My suggestion is to make sure you have this time away at least once a week.  It doesn't have to be an entire day, maybe just a couple hours.  But make it a regular discipline.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Lent Day 6: Lesson Learned (Maybe)

So one of my more brilliant questions as a father came out of my mouth last thursday: "Carson, do you want to go to the zoo and see the animals?"  (of course he does)  Right when I said it, I knew I shouldn't have.  It's just one of those things I was excited about.  The problem is, that we aren't going to the zoo until this thursday so we have heard Carson everyday since thursday asking: "are we going to the zoo?"  So we have been telling him: we go to church, then to see Grammy and Pops, then to see Jacee, Michael, Aunt Barb, and Uncle Johnny.....then we go to the zoo.  Carson has a pretty good memory for a two year old, so from now on (hopefully) I won't give him a week's notice of what our "fun" out of the ordinary plans are.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lent Day 5: Highs and Lows

     On sunday morning we end sunday school by going around the room and say our highs and lows for the week.  Of course there are some funny answers (like-there are seven of us going to golden chick and there are eight roles in the box, so I'm gonna get that extra role-thanks for that Clayton)  and there are serious answers and fun answers.  It's fun to hear about what everyone is excited about and I also think it gives us a good Chance to know what everyone else has going on in their day to day lives.
     We know when we need to pray for someone, we know when someone has something exciting to share and of course we know where some are going for lunch.  It's great that we all get to know what each other are excited about...especially this week since everyone is excited about no school.....

have a great spring break

Lent Day 4: Much to Learn

     Kathy walked into the kitchen this morning and said: "I don't think Carson fully understands the idea of timeout."  I asked why and she said: "because he is drowning his men in the bathtub when he puts them in timeout."
     It's funny that he grasps the idea of timeout.  His men hit each other, no naturally they must go to timeout as punishment.  But then he doesn't grasp the idea that holding them under water would not be an effective form of timeout because, well you know......
     It got me to thinking that we have taught Carson so much and he has gotten a lot of those concepts but he hasn't learned everything he needs to know, I mean he is only 2.   But you know what?  We can't wait to teach him more and more about everything that is important for him to know.  I love that he has picked up so many concepts already and love that we get to teach him more and more as each day goes by.

grace & peace

(on a superhero sidebar-the two men he was holding underwater were Aquaman and Wolverine.  So as you know, Aquaman lives in water and Wolverine is invincible so they were okay.  Captain America was safe on land.  So, maybe, just maybe....Carson is a genius and smarter that I originally thought.)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Lent Day 3: I Refuse

I was trying to think of what to say and a song came into my head that I heard earlier entitled: I Refuse. 
Part of the lyrics go something like this:

Oh, I refuse to sit around and wait for someone elseTo do what God has called me to do myself
I could choose not to move
But I refuse

A couple other songs came to mind that shared this same thought (Dare You to Move and One Day Too Late)  So today, don't wait to be a Christian.  God has called you to be a Christian.  Move and DO something about it today before its too late.  Make a point to share about what it means to you to be a Christian.  And share it today.

grace & peace

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lent Day 2: Reflection

Lent is a time for reflection. In that regard I was thinking about what I should reflect on through the season. Today I reflected on sermons, messages, or talks (whatever you want to call them)  As part of that reflection I watched a video about delivering sermons and the speaker talked about two sides of the spectrum.
1. One side of the spectrum: You have this sermon that you just know you are going to hit out of the park.  The topic is right, the timing is right, you have a total understanding of the text, and you love it (then you deliever the sermon and it totally bombs)
2. The other side of the spectrum: You have this sermon that you have struggled with all week, you know its not your best work, and something just feels off and you know it's going to be awful (then something happens and somehow it is awe-inspiring to those who hear it, and you are stunned)

Has anyone ever experienced this?  I know I have been in this situation and two talks jump right to the front of my mind:
     November 2008: I had what I thought was a great talk prepared about music and making a joyful noise to the lord.  The timing seemed perfect, it was a great chance to open up to the youth after having only been here a short time and I just knew it would be awesome.  And it totally bombed, it was like the room was totally deflated when I finished. I thought to myself: "what just happened, I have no answer for that."
     June 2010: It was last year on our Mission Trip in Oklahoma and I had been struggling with what I was going to say at the client night at Tohwali Church after we had eaten dinner there. I had talked to Jennifer (the greatest center director ever), some of our AUMC youth, and some adults about what I was going to say.  The common response was: you'll do great or you'll figure out what to say. (which incidentally didn't help my angst much)  Even right before I was to speak I wasn't happy with what I had. I got up to speak and just left my notes in the pew. I didn't even want them. Then something happened: I looked at our youth and at the people we helped and I somehow knew exactly what I was going to say, and not just what I was going to say but what I was supposed to say.  It was emotional and everyone seemed to "get it."  I left with a great feeling of hope and accomplishment for something that 20 minutes before seemed jumbled and totally wrong.

I think most pastors, church leaders, youth directors and so on have probably felt both sides of this spectrum.  So what keeps us going?  Why would anyone want to give a sermon?  Well when you deliver that sermon like I delivered in Oklahoma last year for God, for those youth, for those we helped-the feeling could not be explained.  Speaking those words and leaving others with that feeling of knowing how much God loves them, there not a much better feeling.

grace & peace

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lent Day 1: Noise

So it's the first day without television and here are my observations:
1. Kathy and I spent more time talking after I got home before she fell asleep
2. I got some late night scripture reading in
3. I am sitting here listening and "hearing" the sound of silence (aside from the dog snoring)

The silence right now is kind of different. It's weird to be able to "hear" the silence since the tv is off. It reminds me of the NOOMA video Noise. I think it's fitting that the cover for that DVD is a television remote. It's nice for a change to be able to sit back, relax, and not have to tune out all the outside noise. Now if I could just tune out the voices in my head. (that last line is meant to be both serious and sarcastic at the same time: I'll let you try and figure it out)

grace & peace

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lenten Discipline

I was taught growing up that when the season of Lent rolls around that we should give up something to show our discipline to Jesus.  And to me it made sense and to why we do that.  Well it made sense at that time and still does but over the last few years I have come to realize there is more to it.  Let me explain.

I now believe Lent should be less about giving up something and more about taking on something.  I don't want to discourage someone from giving up something, I think that is great.  But more importantly, what do you take on or gain when you give something up.  I have made a discipline to give something up at Lent every year for the past 15 years.  Sometimes I have succeeded and sometimes I haven't.  I have given up things in the past such as cokes, coffee, fast food, and golf (ouch).  Over the last couple of years I have focused more on what I am taking on as a discipline.  It's kind of funny that if you give something up you at the same time can easily take something on as well.

So this year I am taking on spending more time developing my spiritual life by reading some of the 15 books on my reading list that I and others believe will help me (and others) with my spiritual life.  Kathy and I are planning on spending more time talking each day and reading a couple of books together and discussing them.  This will be made easier by giving up television.  (this may prove difficult as The Masters and March Madness are during Lent)  :(

No matter what way you look at it: You can give up something or take on something.  The important thing is does what you take on honor God.  Or if you are giving something up, does what you do with that extra time honor God.

So you might be asking yourself why have I underlined each occurence of give and take?  Simple, we show our discipline for the love and sacrifice Christ gave for us.  All we have to do is take it, free of cost.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sometimes it Hurts

Last night Carson and I were playing with our foam GI Joe swords for what seemed like a an hour.  In the process of all the laughing and swinging of the swords, Carson accidentally hit me pretty hard in the back of the head.  The hit was so hard that it knocked me to the ground and Kathy heard it from the other side of the house.  Right after it happened Carson jumped on my back and said sorry daddy and gave me a hug.  And then we continued playing with Carson laughing nonstop the entire time.  And to me there is no better sound than a child laughing, especially when it is your own child.  I love it so so much.

I shared this story during our staff devotional time today and Zeke eloquently compared this story to discipleship and following Jesus by saying: "sometimes it hurts and yet it is worth it because of the joy that comes from it."  Although getting hit in the head hurt, I wouldn't change it because of the hug and the laughter that followed.

I think that our own discipleship process can be seen in much the same way.  Sometimes it's tough to live the way Jesus teaches us to live.  Sometimes we become frustrated with how hard it is or how others don't seem to understand how great it is.  But even though it is sometimes hard we keep at it.  Why?  Because no amount of hurt can even compare to the joy that comes with it.  (Thank you Zeke for so eloquently summing up what I was trying to say.)

grace & peace

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Spirit

Has anyone ever noticed how often things seem to fit perfectly together?  Let me give you a couple of examples that happened on Sunday:
1.  Our confirmation topic was the Holy Spirit with Acts 1:8 being the core verse....and guess what one of the verses was that George used in his sermon?
2.  We were scheduled to cover Romans 12 during bible study on Sunday night....and guess what one of the passages was that was used at Midwinter this weekend?

So why do you think things like this happen?  My answer is simple: someone else knows more about what is going on and where are studies are leading than we do.  It was perfect, and helpful, that the topics we were covering in confirmation and bible study had already been discussed before hand.  I would say that it is just because we are lucky, but it happens too often for it to be luck.

(bible verse for the week: Acts 1:8)

grace & peace

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A True Blessing

So I woke up this morning feeling like I had been hit by a Mack Truck and barely able to talk. I did not think it was going to beand good day. Then school got cancelled.... Which brings me to my story.
Then Carson wanted to "play swords with daddy" so we played swords for what seemed like an hour since he was laughing the whole time. And Kathy continually asked me how I felt and if she could do anything for me, which was nice. Then Some of the youth came to hang out at the youth building and play games such as uno, wii bowling...and human bowling. It was so much fun.
It's amazing how when you don't feel well and you don't think it's going to be a good day how others who care about you can turn your day around and make it a great day.

Thanks everyone

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Run One Eleven

This is the official "I have nothing worth writing about" vanity card.  It will run whenever I have nothing worth writing about.  Don't be surprised to see it quite a bit.  From now on, when our schedule requires me to deliver a new card and I'm empty, I'll simply say, "Run one elven."  A check of the one hundred and ten cards I've already written will quickly demonstrate that I should have written this card a long time ago.  Why didn't I?  Vanity.  I had become vain about my vanity cards.  i was determined to write a new one each week because. well...I'm just that kind of guy.  But I'm older and wiser now.  I know when I have nothing to say.  And that knowledge is freedom.  Freedom from the constant need to win your approval.  And more importantly, freedom from the obsessive and relentless need to end each vanity card on a joke.  Governor Schwarzenegger.