For those of you who may not know, I have always been a pretty competitive person. I know, you are all shocked to hear that. The one person I have always been the most competitive with is my brother Jason. Whether it was playing sports, watching sports or playing video games. (I remember the incident with the nintendo controller when Jason hit a grand slam off of me in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the game. I got so mad that I threw the contoller straight into the ground. As bad luck would have it, the controller bounced up and put a crack in the screen covering of the brand new television in our room. Since we wanted to live we took the plastic screen off the tv and hid it in the closet and my parents didn't find out about it.)
Well the competitiveness hasn't changed much. Of course we both like the Broncos but when it comes to basketball our opinions differ slightly: I'm a Spurs fan, Jason is a Mavs fan. Which makes when they play really interesting. We went to the game last night and so there had to be a bet, it was decided the loser had to go to work today or tomorrow with a mustache. Luckily the Spurs won this game, I would have looked goofy with a mustache. It makes thing fun when they play and we can root against each other and our competiveness....well it's still there.
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