Friday, March 25, 2011

Lent Day 17: Journaling/Blogging

     Why do people journal?  For me it started a few years ago and I journaled everyday for about two years.  I realized that wasn't very effective because somedays I just didn't have too much to say, so I ended up just writing one or two sentences about what I did that day.  When I went back and look at those composition books there are some important things in there, but not a whole lot.  It did help when I looked at them because I could remember for instance how I felt at a couple important times in my life such as graduating college, how I felt when Kathy and I first met (this entry was two days before I locked her keys in her trunk if you are wondering Doris :), and what my thoughts were on our first date.  I was not journaling when Carson was born or when we got married, although I wish I had been.
     But I digress.  I like journaling, or now blogging because it seems to help center me.  I am able to write my thoughts down and keep a record of them.  I did think that I was one of about three people to read it most of the time..but during lent I know that there are a few people who I believe or know are reading it everyday, which means a lot.  I just hope they are getting something useful out of it. 
     It's cool when I run into someone at church who tells me she is enjoying reading it.  (thanks neighbor)  or I get a text about it (thanks Doris and Chance) or to see someone reading it when I wake up in the morning (wife whom I love so much) or a facebook message about it that makes me tear up (a double thanks for making me tear up Kathryn)  and to those who inform Kathryn via facebook about a blog post which causes Kathryn to read it which causes her to tear up which causes her to send me a message that causes me to tear up (thanks Courtney)
     Okay, I'm rambling, just wanted to say it means a lot that others find my "thoughts" meaningful.  If I have forgotten to thank anyone, send me a comment and I will thank you personally :)  Hope these entries find you well each time you read them, and even when you don't.

have a wonderful day


  1. Why are there 7 eggs in your skillet?

  2. Kevin-not sure if you know but I have been reading your blog. It has given me a little bit of insight into you since I only talk to you at family events and there are a lot of talkers there so its not much. Thank you for blogging and posting what you really feel not just fluff.

