Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lent Day 8: Boys Will be Boys

We are visiting Kathy's cousins in Athens and yesterday we were playing in the backyard and they let us know their neighbors had a 6 story high tree house. So of course we had to go see it and of course I had to climb to the top (and so did our eight year old cousin). He's climb to the top numerous times before.
We quickly made our way up to the top and we could see for miles in every direction across the fields, pastures, and trees. Kathy, Carson, Aunt Barb, and Jacee looked so small down below. I took a picture from above and Carson looks like an orange dot because of the orange shirt he is wearing.
I guess as the toys r us song goes: "I don't want to grow up." I just had to swing on the rope swing on the way down. So maybe I've grown up a little since I was a kid....but not much.

grace & peace

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