Monday, April 4, 2011

Lent Day 27: Looking in the Mirror

     Yesterday after Sunday School one of our youth (Kyle Cantrell) said and I quote: "Tyler, you should get a dog and you should name him DOG, so that way when he looks in the mirror he sees GOD."
     A couple thoughts on this statement:
      1.  I'm pretty sure he meant it as a joke
      2.  it has double meaning
      3.  wether intended or not, it does have some meaning beyond the humor for which it was intended.

     Funny how something intended to be funny can have so much meaning to me even though it was probably not intended to make me think, it did.  If we look in the mirror who do we see?  Well of course we see ourselves.  But it says in Genesis 1:27 that we are made in God's image.  So when we look in the mirror are we looking at an image of God?  Yes.  We were made in God's image so when we look in the mirror we see at least a glimpse of God.  So remember that today, that you were created in God's image.

have a great week

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