Okay, so I haven't posted in the last three days. It's been kind of hectic with a lot of "stuff" going on. Other things took precedent so hopefully this post will be worth the wait.
Distraction. So today, and probably for the rest of the week, they are replacing parts of the roof here at church. It is pretty noisy and pretty distracting. And it is driving me nuts. However, Tiffany brought up something interesting about the noise this morning. She was praying and amid the constant banging and noise she felt like she got it, that God was speaking to her through the distraction. That we needed to work through the distractions. (or something like that) At the beginning of Lent I brought up that we can seek God in the silence. I believe we can hear God in the distraction as well. We have all these distractions and noise around us, and God can and does speak to us through those. A lot of times those distractions are difficult. We struggle, maybe we don't understand at the time. But we learn from those struggles. We learn from them and in turn they help shape who we are. We learn more about ourselves from those distractions than maybe we could possibly understand at the time. Just sayin :)
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