Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lent Day 25: Wednesday....

     You might notice that today is Saturday and yet the title of my post is Wednesday.  If you are confused let me explain.  Most people refer to Wednesday as hump day because its the middle of the week and they might hit kind of a lull at some point during the day.  And they simply have to get over the hump so they are productive the rest of the week.  Well we are in day 25 of the 46 days (including sundays) of Lent.  So I did great for the first two and a half weeks.  For one I was posting early in the morning most of the time and now my post are quite a bit later in the day.  (or so I have been told by two people in particular)  Also I read 3 and 1/2 books in the first two and a half weeks of lent and have only read a little over half a book in the during the last week.  I don't know what it is, I guess I have just been "slackin" a little.  (thanks for use of that word Chance.)
     I guess what I need to do is get over that hump and focus on the rest of  Lent and do what I set out to do better so I don't feel rushed to finish those books.  On the bright side, I haven't slacked by watching tv, but I guess playing video games a little and reading stuff online isn't real useful sometimes either.  So its time to buckle down and have an attitude like I had the first couple of weeks of Lent.
     But first: its a nice day, I think I'll go play outside.  It is family time afterall.

enjoy the nice weather, check in with you first thing tomorrow morning

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