So I had grand plans for Lent and not watching television, blogging....etc. I did very, very well for the first three and a half weeks with those disciplines. And happened. Things got busy, stressful situations happened and I was not as faithful to those disciplines as I would have liked to have been. I thought of the verse by Paul that says: "we all fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)
Even though I was not as faithful to these disciplines as I would have liked to have been, a lot of good did come out of it. I got a lot of reading done which I will continue to do in the evenings before bed. I know reading would be a lot better use of my time than surfing the internet or watching espn. I suppose if my brother can go completely without ESPN and can at least cut down on watching it every night. And although I do not plan on blogging everyday at least once or twice a week would be good.
It all comes down to our attitude and recognizing what is important to us and what should be important to us. I want to continue to grow spiritually. To do that I need to devote more time and energy into what really matters for my growth.
grace & peace
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