Thursday, October 11, 2012

Carson's Piggy Bank

     This morning we were out of turkey for my lunch and I made the comment that I didn't have any money on me to buy lunch.  Carson said: "that's okay dad, you can have money out of my piggy bank to buy your lunch."  It doesn't matter that in order to do that I would have in all likelihood had to pay in pennies, dimes, and nickles.  Which I'm sure would make the cashier so happy.  What matters is he was willing to give me his money to me so I can eat, simply because he loves me and saw a need.  He knows no other way.  It is simple to him.  It is loving to him.
     Wouldn't it be great if we kept that child like thinking as adults?  If we were able to give some of what we had, even if it was just a little, when we heard a plea and saw a need.  Simply because we loved someone.  And after all we are called to love everyone.  How much of a difference could we make?  How much simpler would things be?

"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child."
1 Corinthians 13:11

     Carson's reasoning is so simple.  I wish that sometimes my reasoning could be as simply as his was this morning.  His reasoning came out of thoughtfulness and love.  He knows that to be the way.  There's no turkey, dad needs lunch, he can use my money to eat.  Wow!!  How I wish it was that simple.  Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't.  But the mind of a child is a great thing.  Carson knows love.  He gets love.  He loves.  He is loved.


PS-I went to subway to get a turkey sandwich.  I wonder how I paid for it :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

God is Love

"god is love...."
"we love because he first loved us."
"for God so loved the world..."

     Need I go on?  There are so many references to how much God loves us in scripture that it is ridiculous.  God loves His people, which includes each of us.  Reading through the old testament for the Bible in 90 Days study I have noticed (again) that people way back then were not so different than we are today.  They messed up, a lot.  They made mistakes, some big and some small.  The one thing they have in common is that not one of them was perfect.  And despite all of that God continues to love all of them, and love all of us.
     You know what's awesome is God meets us where we are at.  No matter what we have going on in our lives or what we are doing-God is there with us.  We just need to be willing to seek him.  God loves us exactly as we are, but loves us way to much to keep us that way.  (I'm borrowing that line from Paul Gravley, although I'm sure someone coined the term before him.)  No matter who you are right now or what you are doing, God loves you.  But he also doesn't want you to stay that way.  He wants you to continue to grow.  He loves us so much that he wants us to grow and strive to be more perfect.  He doesn't accept an unfinished product, so we must continue to seek him and continue to grow and perfect our faith.
     So no matter where you are in your faith journey, know this.  God is love and God loves you.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Bible in 90 Days: Getting Started

     Last night the youth began reading The Bible in 90 Days.  Other small groups and Sunday School classes at Acton have started in the last week.  It was very encouraging to see how excited they were about reading the bible in a set period of time.  I know some won't believe me but when we gave them time at the end of worship to get started reading, they were quiet and attentive and started reading.
     I have often found that when committing to something that sometimes the hardest part is getting started.  Whether is learning to play guitar, reading all the Harry Potter books, or getting back in the swing of working out after a long layoff.
     When starting to read the Bible in 90 Days it might seem daunting to some.  Thoughts come up like: what if I get behind, that's a lot of reading, or maybe I can do this later.  When I read through the Bible in 90 Days over the last three months, I found that I did get behind a little bit occasionally.  So this time around I have decided that I will have a better routine by setting a time each day to read.  That way I am not reading so often at night when I am tired and just want to go to bed.  I feel like reading earlier in the day and being that it is the second time around, I will gain some insight that I may not have picked up on the first time around.
     So as you begin reading (or continue reading if you are a few days in) I hope that you are able to get into a routine from the very beginning.  Whatever that routine is, I hope that you simply pick a routine that works for you.  I know it will be a great experience for everyone involved.  Take heart in the fact that you have already done the hardest part: you started..


Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Bible in 90 Days

     Today, or later this week for some, we start our all church study The Bible in 90 Days.  The concept is pretty simple-you read the bible cover to cover in 90 days.  There is a reading plan and everything.
     I wanted to plan ahead and get the topics together for our Wednesday night worship and our Sunday night small groups so I began 90 Days before our all church study kicked off.  I started to think about what I could compare the dedication it took and to me it felt a lot like Lent.  Each year for the past 15 years or so I have given up something for Lent.  The first few years I thought it was enough to simply give up something (usually cokes or coffee or fast food.)  It wasn't until the last ten years or so that I began to think that it wasn't only about what I gave up, but what I put in its place.  It's great to simply give up fast food, but it was more meaningful to donate the money I would have spent on fast food to the church or give it to someone in need.
     So back to The Bible in 90 Days.  Obviously reading the entire Bible in such a short period of time takes some commitment.  In order to fill that commitment I had to give up something from my daily life to free up some 30 or so minutes a day to read.  I started reading two days after our daughter Courtney was born which made it even more challenging.  Really the main thing that I gave up was video games.  That's really about it, I think.  Instead of playing the new Lego Batman video game or Madden, or Star Wars, I simply put them away and read the bible.
     Not playing those video games wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  I made a commitment and was determined to stick to it.  Sometimes I would stay up late on Mission Trip or Vacation, or wake up early on Choir Tour to read.  I stayed up late at home a few times to read as well.  Once I made it a priority it became routine and somewhat easy.  It's kind of like taking a shower every day, it just became part of my daily routine.  There will always be a reason not to read, my hope is that we all view reading scripture as such a blessing that we are able to put those excuses away and Just Do It!!!
     I plan on starting from the beginning again this week and reading along with the church and our youth group.  I'm sure I will pick up new things that I didn't catch the first time through.  I took quite a bit of notes the first time around and this time I plan on enjoying it by leading our youth in the discussion and reading for "fun."
     So for anyone who thinks it can't be done, I assure you it can.  Somehow I was able to accomplish it with a newborn, a very active four year old, and a busy youth summer.  And what an awesome feeling of accomplishment I have knowing that I was able to read the entire Bible in 90 Days.  I'll leave you with a scripture from day 84 of the reading.

"All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."                          ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17



Tuesday, July 24, 2012


"What I got the most on mission trip was the relationships.  I liked the co-mingling (of churches) aspect and it was awesome how fast you can bond with people in only a weeks time and how God's love spread through us to make a bond of understanding and compassion to help a person in need and spiritually grow united in service.....BOOM, I NAILED IT."

     The above quote is not my words.  They belong to John Norton, who is going to be a Senior in High School this year.  This was his text messaged response when I asked the youth what they got out of Mission Trip this year.  John and his brother Joe went on the CTCYM Mission Trip in June as well as a mission trip to the Bahamas just over a week ago.  What a message.  Two week long mission trips in one summer for them.
     What reminded we of this quote was when Paul mentioned on Sunday how he loves how the Methodist Church is connected.  John and Joe are connected to two churches which enabled them to go on two mission trips.
     Every year on Mission Trip AUMC gets connected with other churches, which is just one of the things I love about CTCYM.  We have built a relationship with those churches.  In fact we are crashing on the floor at one of those churches this weekend on our end of summer trip and then worshiping with them on Sunday morning.
     It's always nice to see how quickly a group of youth and adults can connect when they have the same purpose in mind, which in this case was to SERVE others.  I am glad there are youth who are so aware and so willing to help others when they see a need for it.  I hope and pray that we all of us continue to show compassion and understanding and join to serve others.


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Welcome Home

     Soon I get to see Kathy, my boy, and my sweet baby girl.  I feel like I have missed a lot of fun that they have had this week while I was gone.  Going to a "staff with kids" lunch after church on Sunday (without me), going to have dinner with Paul and Stephanie (without me), going out on the boat (without me).  Well you get the idea.  I have had a great time driving around Louisiana looking a various sites and getting to see and hold gators.  That being said......
     I am ready to be home after a week away.  Not because I didn't have fun but because I want to see my family.  It's great that I have a wife that supports me and allows me to go on youth trips.  I know she has done a great job "holding down the fort" while I have been gone.  And I know it hasn't been easy at some points with Carson's ear draining and Courtney being a bit fussy.  I can't thank her enough for what she has done.  I hope she knows how much I appreciate her and how much I am looking forward to seeing her tomorrow.
     As for Carson.....he wouldn't go to sleep tonight because he misses his daddy.  He knows I am coming home so he wouldn't go to sleep.  Kathy called me and I told him I would sleep in his room with him when I got home if he went to sleep tonight.  Hopefully he wasn't just using it as an excuse to stay up late.  (As of the writing of this, I haven't heard that he didn't go to sleep)
     As for Courtney she has been trying to talk to everyone and has even started to smile a little bit.  At least I did get to see her smile before I went out of town, but now its being reported that she is smiling while she is awake more.  She seems so alert in the pictures I have seen of her this week.
     I can't wait to see all three of them.  I can't wait to feed Courtney, even if it is a midnight or 1am feeding.  I just want to be able to hold her tight in my arms.  I can't wait to have some time on Friday just me and Carson doing something fun.  I told him it was a surprise when he asked what we were doing.  (It will even be a surprise to me, since I don't know yet)  And I can't wait to hug Kathy and let her know how much I have missed her and how much I appreciate her.

See you soon

Monday, June 25, 2012

Swamp Tour Musings

Here are some musings from the Soundwave Choir far...     
     I always find it funny when I go on a choir tour.  Because if you have ever heard me sing, well I can't.  Even when I was in youth choir as a teenager I only joined so I could go on fun trips.  What I have found over the last four years is I can sit back while the youth are singing and get an outside perspective.
     This year I have noticed that no matter what are differences are we can always find some common ground.  For instance at Christian Hospitality House in Shreveport a man we were working with saw that I had a camera and shouted across the kitchen: "hey take a picture of me, I'm very photogenic."  So him and I proceeded to ham it up for the camera and take a couple pictures.  In Gonzales this today at lunch we talked with some church members about our friends, our dogs.  At FUMC Kenner we were talking with the Pastor's son, Poni, about random things.  The conversation evolved, or should I say devolved into a discussion about superheros.  (I know you are all shocked by that)  But the point is that Poni was so proud to tell us about the water fountain he had just taken out and how fun it was because he got to kick it in with his steel toed boots, which is a superhuman feat of strength for a 13 year old Tongan.
     No matter what our differences are it seems when we are united in Christ and a common belief we can always find common ground.  There are many examples that we (Adam and Michael are helping me write this) about how our differences can divide us.  In fact Adam and Michael are arguing right now about who is smarter.
     To paraphrase 1 Corinthians 12 we all have our gifts but we must use those diverse gifts to be one body in Christ.
     On Swamp Tour we have met many different people and we know we will meet many more people.  Our hope is that we will continue to be positive and find common ground with everyone else we meet at the children's hospital, in the 9th ward, Dulac community center, and even on the Swamp Tour.

I'll leave you with a thought from 1 Corinthians: "Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.

with adam and michael

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Not My Plan, But Yours

     I said I would never use anything I learned in college.  I take it back, I was wrong.  When I graduated high school, I had no idea what I was going to do for a career.  So I at some point I had the following majors: general business, computer science, english, journalism, broadcast journalism, before eventually "settling" on Exercise and Sports Science.  Exercise and Sports Science is a fancy way of saying teaching and coaching.
     I was asked by Boyd Goodloe just before the summer of 2000 if I would like to spend the summer in Houston and be a youth intern.  I thought sure, I'd rather hang out in Houston and work at a church than work at a pizza restaurant for the summer.  I owe Boyd so much and could never thank him enough.  If he had not asked me to be a youth intern in the summer of 2000 I might not have become a youth director at all.  If he had not asked me to work for JUMMP in 2005, I would have not met my wife.  So, thanks dude.  Back to summer of 2000.  I realized after about a week of interning that I wanted to work with youth and work in the church.  I had been pretty good about attending youth group growing up and going to church on a regular basis, but working in a church never seemed like a natural fit until that summer.  The realization came while having a serious, or maybe it wasn't, conversation with some senior high at a McDonalds about how Jesus could relate to superheroes.  (It's a long story so I won't share it today)  I decided at that point that I wanted to work with youth.  I had the most credit hours towards a degree in ESS with a minor in English so that's what I decided to major in so I could finish.  I did not figure I would use anything that I was learning in that field after graduation and for a while I really didn't.  Well turns out that now I am.
     For the last few weeks I have been able to go to the Rancho Brazos community center twice a week and play baseball with the kids and youth there.  I have found myself teaching the kids some of the skills I learned in little league and using some of those teaching techniques that I learned while helping teach elementary P.E. for that one semester as part of my practicum in college.
     I love being able to coach and relate to the kids there at Rancho Brazos.  They are much quicker learners that I was at their age.  I hope they are getting a lot out of it.  I know that I am.  We get what we put in, so it is great to see all these volunteers at the community center putting in the time and the work to help these kids, and I know that I am just a small part of that and am so grateful for the opportunity to serve with them and help the kids learn.  And getting to be outside and play baseball at the same time, well that's pretty cool too.
     So maybe there is a reason after all that I took some classes in P.E. and coaching.  I haven't used a lot of stuff from the book but I have used some practical knowledge I learned while working in the field, or the gym, as it was.
     As Jeremiah 29:11 says: "I know the plans I have for you."  I guess God really did have a plan for my indecisiveness in picking a major.  He saw it way back when I was struggling in college, I am just now seeing it fully.

Here's hoping anyone who reads this follows God's plan for you.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Mending Fences

     The storm last Friday did a "bit" of damage to a bunch of fences in our neighborhood.  So Saturday was spent fixing our fence and a church members house down the street.  Of course, it was made much easier due to the help of Michael Horn and Adam Lubbers, two of our youth.  And I know why they helped.  They did not need something in return, they did not need recognition.  They simply helped out because it was the right thing to do.  I am sure it probably would have been more fun play outside, sleep, or do something else on a Saturday afternoon.  But, that is not what is important, and Michael and Adam and a lot of our other youth realize that.
     It should come as no surprise that 23 of our youth (and 9 adults) are giving up a week of their summer to go to Willard, MO to help others.  It will be hard work, it will be pretty hot, and they are paying to go on the trip.  They could be doing something else, but they are choosing to go on a mission trip because it is the right thing to do. 

Simple as that, its the right thing to do and they want to do it.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Listening Time with God

     At youth last night we talked about how we could have quality time with God on a daily basis to just listen to what He has to say to us.  We talked with the senior high about how we could make this happen.  We came up with 3 points to focus on, which now I have changed to 4 points:
     1.  be alone: when taking the time to listen to what God has to say to you, make sure that you are alone.  The reasoning for this is it is very hard to be quiet and listen if someone else is around chatting your ear off.
     2.  find a place: when taking this time it is nice to have a place that is consistent for this quiet time to listen to God.  The place can be your room, outside, or anywhere else you choose.  The consensus between all of us last night was that this place should be consistent.  Make it be the same place as much as possible so it is comfortable to you and you think of it as "your" place to listen to what God has to say to you.
     3.  find a time:  try and make the time as consistent as possible each and every day.  Whether that is first thing in the morning, last thing before you go to sleep, or a time in the middle of the afternoon where you set an alarm on your phone to remind you (bet you can't guess who has to do that)  If you set a specific time, it becomes part of your routine and is easier to maintain and not forget.
     4.  limit distractions: I find it is necessary to leave my phone on my desk or inside when I take this time to listen.  With our friends, facebook, games, etc at my fingertips, I myself must put those things out of my reach to fully focus on listening.

     This time each day is very important to me so that I may discern what God is trying to tell me, without me and my big mouth getting in the way.  I know for some of us it is very hard to slow down and not be distracted by the noise, traffic, distractions or whatever we choose to call the busyness of our everyday lives.  But when we do this it is very, very rewarding.

I will leave you with Psalm three different versions

"Be still, and know that I am God..."  (NIV)

"Step out of the traffic! Take a long,
loving look at me, your High God,
above politics, above everything."
  (The Message)

"Be at peace in the knowledge that I am God:
I will be lifted up among the nations,
I will be honoured through all the earth."  (BBE)

 So take the time each day to be still, quiet, and listen


Monday, April 23, 2012

Counting the Days

     The days seem to be going by both fast and slow at the same time when we think about the number of days until Courtney Grace decides to join us.  Yes, I decided to start counting in days and not weeks.  I think that's my right as an excited dad.  There is such an excitement of anticipation as we continue to count down the days.  The nursery is ready to go, we have diapers and clothes on hand, and Carson asks me almost daily when his baby sister will be here.  He asked me yesterday if I would let him rock her to sleep in the rocking chair.  Carson is asking a couple times a week if he can sleep with Courtney's pink tiger so he can "love on it" for her.  That really might be the cutest thing he has ever said, and he has said a lot of cute things.  I even made a plan with our neighbors The Greene's about watching Carson at a moment's notice when we head to the hospital.  I can't wait for this new experience of having our own little girl dressed in pink and wearing Yoda slippers, thanks to our other neighbors the Riggs for those.  (Now if only I can I can find some in an adult size for me we will be good to go)  I know we are not 100% ready, but lets be honest, as a parent you never are-sometimes you just work it out as you go.
     So we know Courtney will be here in due time and we are patiently and anxiously waiting for her arrival.  I always joked that I would never have a daughter because and I quote myself: "God wouldn't do that to me."  But deep down, somehow I knew that I would.  I have gotten reassurances this week from Blake Thompson and Mike Moore that it's great, and I will have no problem playing barbies, playing dress up, and carrying around a pink (and brown) diaper bag.  It's nice to hear that from others who have girls that I can adjust.  We can't wait to hold our baby girl for the first time.


PS-It's 37 days and counting, give or take.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Being Humble

     We watched an I Am Second video this week at youth where the child speaking talked about being humble.  The senior high and junior high had good discussions about what it means to be humble.  I had a conversation with Lilly afterwards about being humble and the difficulties in knowing if someone is humble or if they are just quiet.  Michael and Megan said it is sometimes hard to pinpoint characteristics of humble people.  Maybe that is by design and the way it should be.  Humble people may go unnoticed simply because they are thinking about others first and staying grounded in who they are and knowing what is important.  They know it is not about them.  Sometimes we overlook those who are humble because they are humble.
     It is a fine line when you try and determine if someone is humble or not.  The best way I know how to explain being humble is this.  Being humble is generally something that someone else believes and proclaims you to be, not something that is self-proclaimed.  I hope that makes sense.  If I say I am humble (and that may be true) it carries more weight when someone else believes it and recognizes that characteristic.
     The best example of being humble is given to us by Jesus.  He could of done anything he wanted such as saving himself from death.  But he didn't, he stayed true to God's plan and did not make it about him.  He thought about all of us and died for all of us.  Jesus healed two blind men and then instructed them: "see that no one knows about this." (Matthew 9:30)  He knew the most important thing was the healing of those two men, not the recognition he would receive.
     My prayer today for anyone who reads this is for you to be humble.  Remember that it is not about you, it is about Jesus and it is about loving your neighbor.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Sometimes I just have thoughts that really are not significant and I just have to share them:  so in that regard, I hope you enjoy my musings:
     I believe that Lego Batman and Lego Darth Vader should be made the new mascots for the olympic games. Both for this years olympics and beyond.  My reasoning?  I'm glad you asked.  The olympic mascots have always been picked on and made fun of and are notoriously goofy looking anyway.
     Why legos?  They by themselves are different and a little goofy looking, similar to the current incarnations of olympic mascots.  Why Batman and Darth Vader?  No one in their right mind is going to make fun of Batman or Darth Vader.  Batman has cool gadgets and he has proven to be willing to do whatever it takes in the interest of preserving order.  And Darth Vader? He has a scary voice and he can crush your larynx with a swipe of his hand. Still not sold?  Then how about this.  Batman has the Batmobile which is cooler than any car any of us will possibly ever have.  And Darth Vader has a lightsaber which is the coolest weapon ever. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.  (like that direct quote from Star Wars)
Just a thought.......

Friday, March 30, 2012

Awake and Alive

"It's news I'm most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God's powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him..."  Romans 1:16 (the Message)

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes..."  Romans 1:16 (NIV)

     This verse has always been one of my favorites.  We took a group of youth to Winterjam in Dallas on Sunday night and this verse was referenced by John Cooper of Skillet.  He said the above verse as a lead in the their song: Alive and Awake.  The chorus to the song goes like this:

     I'm awake, I'm alive  
     Now I know what I believe inside
     Now it's my time 
     I'll do what I want 'cause this is my life
     Right here, right now
     Stand my ground and never back down
     I know what I believe inside
     I'm awake, I'm alive

     So when we are "Alive and Awake" when we know about scripture and are not ashamed to share it with others. We spoke about this idea in on Wednesday night at youth in worship and in small groups.  When we share our story with others we cannot be ashamed to share how important God is in our lives.  Not only must we listen to what God has to say to us, but we must hear as well-so we can learn.  This is how we become "alive" in God.  Since God is so important to us we must not be ashamed to share that as a big part of our story.  So when apply Romans 1:16 to us today we know that God's message is extraordinary and we must be proud to proclaim it to others, both those who know the message and especially those who don't.  To be able to proclaim the message of the gospel to others we must be "alive and awake" spiritually to do so effectively.


Sunday, March 11, 2012


     We had the opportunity to build some bikes with our youth at AUMC last week.  And all I can say is it was awesome.  Each team "got" to do some team building exercises to get everything they needed to put their bikes together.  The times varied but everyone was done in less than an hour, and that was with the time it took to bob for apples and complete a bible trivia quiz just so they could get started.  And then the real team building began.     It was great to see how everyone worked together to get the job done.  It was a lot of fun to see the junior high and senior high work together towards a common goal.  All of the bike building and team building and bike inspecting was fun.  The youth worked so well together to get the bikes in riding order.
     And the end result of the endeavor is what makes the team building even better.  The team building in itself is worthwhile but to have the bikes given to kids in the Rancho Brazos community who do not have bikes, wow.  I know they will be appreciative.  I am told that they already share bikes very well.  How awesome it is going to be for each of them to have their own bike for their bike rodeo next week?  The youth took to this activity with such enthusiasm and gusto.  We can't wait for the kids to get to ride these bikes this week.  If our youth continue to approach team building and working for others with such enthusiasm we will continue to be in good hands.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Growing Up

     People much wiser than I have always said about little ones that they grow up so fast.  I never had any idea how fast until Kathy and I had a little one of our own.  Carson is growing and growing and growing.  For instance, just in the last couple of weeks he has switched from his racecar bed to a big boy bed.  He has used his wits to outsmart his dadda into keeping some toys.  He seems to have gotten over his fear of walking on the playground.  He has learned that The Empire Strikes Back is the greatest movie ever...okay he may not think its the greatest movie ever, but he likes it cuz Luke and Vader sword fight.  And shortly he will begin playing soccer.
     Kathy and I can't believe how quickly he is growing and how time is flying by with Carson.  It's hard to believe that he is about to begin playing sports.  I am so excited about this prospect, but it makes me think about how quickly he has grown.  I can't wait to see him in his soccer uniform running around in a big blob with Luke and the other kids chasing the ball.
     I'm so grateful to have these moments with him and to watch him grow.  And I know it will be the same with Courtney Grace.  I know she will grow up just as fast.  The added bonus will be we will get to see her grow up with a big brother.  And I know Carson will be a great big brother.  I am really looking forward to the way the two of them will interact.  I even know that Carson will be a better big brother than I was.  He will never pick on his little sister.....okay maybe a little.  That's what big brothers do right?
     I pray that I am able to take the time to pause and reflect on these special moments with Carson and with Courtney because they will be all grown up before we know least that is what I've heard.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Younger Generation

     I was reading a book yesterday and there was something that stuck out to me.  It stated that research shows that there are four reasons the younger generation is leaving their Christian roots:
     1. they never experienced God in their worship
     2. their connections are stronger outside the church than in it
     3. the issues being discussed at church don't matter to them and the issues that matter aren't being discussed.
     4. they didn't see anything compelling in their parents lives to make them follow a similar path

     It is unfortunate that some research has shown this, but we can do something about it.  Not only can we do something about it, but we need to do something about it.  The younger generation needs to be involved in worship.  They need strong mentors (both youth and adults) in the church, so they know they are cared about.  Tough issues need to be discussed and the younger generation needs input.  Parents need to be an example of what a Christian needs to be.  Youth need people to try and understand them and most importantly to meet them where they are.
     As Christians we can be most, if not all, of these things to the younger generation.  Leaders can involve youth in worship.  Connections can be made. (Hint: it doesn't matter how old you are, you can make a difference)  Issues that matter can be discussed.  Parents can be involved and show and teach what it means to be a Christian.
     I guess the question should be: what are WE going to do about this trend?  Just something to think about, and then do something about.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


     I am not into making New Years Resolutions.  I have never been very good at keeping them for much more than a couple of months.  I read something online a few weeks back that I like though.  It simply said: "What's one thing you have wanted to do for years but for some reason you haven't gotten around to it?"
     Simply said: that's what I plan to do this year.  If there is something meaningful and useful that you have wanted to do for a while now and haven't gotten around to it, then quit thinking about doing it and go actually do it.  That's my plan, how about you?


Monday, January 9, 2012


     Okay so anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge sports fan, a huge broncos fan, and have been a Tim Tebow fan since he played in the high school all american game and committed to Florida. (him being left handed helps explain why I am a fan) So I would should take this opportunity to talk about the game yesterday in my blog, but I won't. Instead I'll talk about something i heard after the game.
     I found it really refreshing (and not at all surprising)  to listen to what Tebow had to say at the post game press conference. When talking about the ot winning touchdown pass, Tebow was as always, humble. He talked about the great stiff arm the receiver used, the selling of the play fake by the running back, the blocking by the offensive line, and the great play call by the coaching staff. He said nothing about the strike he threw hitting the receiver in perfect stride. He could of praised himself for that throw, he didn't. He praised everyone else involved. So should we be surprised that the team wants to play hard for him?  Maybe the better question is how could they not play hard for him?
     I think we could all take a lesson in his humility when we look at our faith. It is not about us. We should never make it about us. It IS about helping others to follow Christ. It is about making disciples, not about patting ourselves on the back. If you want a sport analogy-here it is. We are part of a team. In order to be successful as the body of Christ we will do much better by working together as a team. We are one body(one team). It is not about me or you, it is about everyone. It is about helping others and everyone follow Him the best way we know how, as a team.  Let's all be part of a team.

I'll leave you with these words from The Playbook, as written by Paul.
 "For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ."
     1 Corinthians 12:12

Friday, January 6, 2012

God Is Big Enough

     On Christmas Eve everyone who was at church was given a "few" bracelets to take with them and give away. On Sunday Paul will be starting a new sermon series entitled God is Big Enough. The bracelets that were given out on Christmas Eve simply said: God is Big Enough. The premise being that no matter what we are going through God is Big Enough to help get us through it.
     Paul came to youth on Wednesday and after singing his future chart topping hit songs about D.J and P.B. & J and Brittney going to Japan......he told the youth about the bracelets and asked them to take a few with them.  We ended up handing out 500 of these bracelets for the youth to give to friends at school and other people they know. 
     What a powerful message we can give to our young people.  I remember some of the struggles I went through when I was a teenager and know our youth struggle at times too.  Just think when they look down at their wrist they are reminded that God Is Big Enough.  And they get to share this message with their peers and their peers can be reminded of that fact as well.  So whatever you are doing today remember that God Is Big Enough.  (And if you need another bracelet or two let us know)
