Thursday, September 27, 2012

God is Love

"god is love...."
"we love because he first loved us."
"for God so loved the world..."

     Need I go on?  There are so many references to how much God loves us in scripture that it is ridiculous.  God loves His people, which includes each of us.  Reading through the old testament for the Bible in 90 Days study I have noticed (again) that people way back then were not so different than we are today.  They messed up, a lot.  They made mistakes, some big and some small.  The one thing they have in common is that not one of them was perfect.  And despite all of that God continues to love all of them, and love all of us.
     You know what's awesome is God meets us where we are at.  No matter what we have going on in our lives or what we are doing-God is there with us.  We just need to be willing to seek him.  God loves us exactly as we are, but loves us way to much to keep us that way.  (I'm borrowing that line from Paul Gravley, although I'm sure someone coined the term before him.)  No matter who you are right now or what you are doing, God loves you.  But he also doesn't want you to stay that way.  He wants you to continue to grow.  He loves us so much that he wants us to grow and strive to be more perfect.  He doesn't accept an unfinished product, so we must continue to seek him and continue to grow and perfect our faith.
     So no matter where you are in your faith journey, know this.  God is love and God loves you.


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