Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Bible in 90 Days: Getting Started

     Last night the youth began reading The Bible in 90 Days.  Other small groups and Sunday School classes at Acton have started in the last week.  It was very encouraging to see how excited they were about reading the bible in a set period of time.  I know some won't believe me but when we gave them time at the end of worship to get started reading, they were quiet and attentive and started reading.
     I have often found that when committing to something that sometimes the hardest part is getting started.  Whether is learning to play guitar, reading all the Harry Potter books, or getting back in the swing of working out after a long layoff.
     When starting to read the Bible in 90 Days it might seem daunting to some.  Thoughts come up like: what if I get behind, that's a lot of reading, or maybe I can do this later.  When I read through the Bible in 90 Days over the last three months, I found that I did get behind a little bit occasionally.  So this time around I have decided that I will have a better routine by setting a time each day to read.  That way I am not reading so often at night when I am tired and just want to go to bed.  I feel like reading earlier in the day and being that it is the second time around, I will gain some insight that I may not have picked up on the first time around.
     So as you begin reading (or continue reading if you are a few days in) I hope that you are able to get into a routine from the very beginning.  Whatever that routine is, I hope that you simply pick a routine that works for you.  I know it will be a great experience for everyone involved.  Take heart in the fact that you have already done the hardest part: you started..


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