Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Younger Generation

     I was reading a book yesterday and there was something that stuck out to me.  It stated that research shows that there are four reasons the younger generation is leaving their Christian roots:
     1. they never experienced God in their worship
     2. their connections are stronger outside the church than in it
     3. the issues being discussed at church don't matter to them and the issues that matter aren't being discussed.
     4. they didn't see anything compelling in their parents lives to make them follow a similar path

     It is unfortunate that some research has shown this, but we can do something about it.  Not only can we do something about it, but we need to do something about it.  The younger generation needs to be involved in worship.  They need strong mentors (both youth and adults) in the church, so they know they are cared about.  Tough issues need to be discussed and the younger generation needs input.  Parents need to be an example of what a Christian needs to be.  Youth need people to try and understand them and most importantly to meet them where they are.
     As Christians we can be most, if not all, of these things to the younger generation.  Leaders can involve youth in worship.  Connections can be made. (Hint: it doesn't matter how old you are, you can make a difference)  Issues that matter can be discussed.  Parents can be involved and show and teach what it means to be a Christian.
     I guess the question should be: what are WE going to do about this trend?  Just something to think about, and then do something about.


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