Thursday, April 26, 2012

Listening Time with God

     At youth last night we talked about how we could have quality time with God on a daily basis to just listen to what He has to say to us.  We talked with the senior high about how we could make this happen.  We came up with 3 points to focus on, which now I have changed to 4 points:
     1.  be alone: when taking the time to listen to what God has to say to you, make sure that you are alone.  The reasoning for this is it is very hard to be quiet and listen if someone else is around chatting your ear off.
     2.  find a place: when taking this time it is nice to have a place that is consistent for this quiet time to listen to God.  The place can be your room, outside, or anywhere else you choose.  The consensus between all of us last night was that this place should be consistent.  Make it be the same place as much as possible so it is comfortable to you and you think of it as "your" place to listen to what God has to say to you.
     3.  find a time:  try and make the time as consistent as possible each and every day.  Whether that is first thing in the morning, last thing before you go to sleep, or a time in the middle of the afternoon where you set an alarm on your phone to remind you (bet you can't guess who has to do that)  If you set a specific time, it becomes part of your routine and is easier to maintain and not forget.
     4.  limit distractions: I find it is necessary to leave my phone on my desk or inside when I take this time to listen.  With our friends, facebook, games, etc at my fingertips, I myself must put those things out of my reach to fully focus on listening.

     This time each day is very important to me so that I may discern what God is trying to tell me, without me and my big mouth getting in the way.  I know for some of us it is very hard to slow down and not be distracted by the noise, traffic, distractions or whatever we choose to call the busyness of our everyday lives.  But when we do this it is very, very rewarding.

I will leave you with Psalm three different versions

"Be still, and know that I am God..."  (NIV)

"Step out of the traffic! Take a long,
loving look at me, your High God,
above politics, above everything."
  (The Message)

"Be at peace in the knowledge that I am God:
I will be lifted up among the nations,
I will be honoured through all the earth."  (BBE)

 So take the time each day to be still, quiet, and listen


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