Saturday, April 21, 2012

Being Humble

     We watched an I Am Second video this week at youth where the child speaking talked about being humble.  The senior high and junior high had good discussions about what it means to be humble.  I had a conversation with Lilly afterwards about being humble and the difficulties in knowing if someone is humble or if they are just quiet.  Michael and Megan said it is sometimes hard to pinpoint characteristics of humble people.  Maybe that is by design and the way it should be.  Humble people may go unnoticed simply because they are thinking about others first and staying grounded in who they are and knowing what is important.  They know it is not about them.  Sometimes we overlook those who are humble because they are humble.
     It is a fine line when you try and determine if someone is humble or not.  The best way I know how to explain being humble is this.  Being humble is generally something that someone else believes and proclaims you to be, not something that is self-proclaimed.  I hope that makes sense.  If I say I am humble (and that may be true) it carries more weight when someone else believes it and recognizes that characteristic.
     The best example of being humble is given to us by Jesus.  He could of done anything he wanted such as saving himself from death.  But he didn't, he stayed true to God's plan and did not make it about him.  He thought about all of us and died for all of us.  Jesus healed two blind men and then instructed them: "see that no one knows about this." (Matthew 9:30)  He knew the most important thing was the healing of those two men, not the recognition he would receive.
     My prayer today for anyone who reads this is for you to be humble.  Remember that it is not about you, it is about Jesus and it is about loving your neighbor.


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