Monday, September 16, 2013

The Reading Cube

     We had our first introductory session last night for our once a month "book study" The Reading Cube at the church.  We will be reading three books this fall and meeting once a month to discuss them.  There is a reason that "book study" is in quotation marks.
     First and foremost our book study is not a book study, it is a discipleship study.  Let me explain.  If we were doing a book study we would just read a book, discuss it, toss it aside, and move on.  This class we will be doing is a part of our pathway of discipleship.  This is not specifically a book study at all, it is a discipleship study.  We picked books to read in a specific order that build on one another to help us look at how to be better disciples.  Discipleship is a process, we never stop learning.  My hope is that everyone views this book discipleship study in the same way.  That we keep reading and keep learning together.
     The first book, Almost Christian, gives us an idea what our youth are thinking and in doing so helps adults understand what role they have and can play in the culture of our youth.  And more importantly in the culture of our church.  The second book, The Lego Principle, speaks of our need to connect with God and connect with others.  After all we are called to love others and love God.  The third book, Multiply, focuses on showing us how to make disciples to make disciples until everyone knows Christ.
     I will be posting on my blog each Monday some thoughts about the reading.  My prayer this morning is that everyone involved has fun reading and learns more about how we can grow in our discipleship together throughout and beyond this study.

Happy reading,

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