Monday, August 12, 2013

Think Like A Child

     The bible says: when I was a child, I  used to speak like a child, reason like a child, think like a child. (1 Corinthians 13:11)  Wouldn't it be great if we could think and reason like a child.  I thought about that this morning while I was playing with Courtney and Carson before taking them to school.  Both of the kids woke up happy and wanted to eat breakfast and then play, so naturally being the big kid that I am, we played.  I spent about ten minutes saying to Courtney "I'm gonna get you" while she ran around giggling trying not to be caught.  Then she would give up, lay down, and gleefully laugh as I tickled her.  Then she would get up and we would do it again and again.  Not a care in the world for her other than eating breakfast and then playing with dad and big brother.  She has everything she needs.  She is so happy.  She gets so excited when Kathy or I gets home that she races towards us making this sound that can only be described as panting.  It is so cute.  That is what she knows and she is so excited, she gets everything she needs and that is what she knows.  And it works.  Not really another care in the world.
     I wish I could be like that more often.  Just this morning (after playtime) this is what happened.  Carson got himself dressed in shorts that were too small so he had to go change.  Carson couldn't find his shoes.  I couldn't find my keys. (turns out Courtney was playing with them) Courtney spilled a Dr. Pepper on herself and the carpet.  Carson screamed when he saw the big spider camped out on the front porch.  I forgot Courtney's sippie cup and had to go back home and get it.  And that was just a typical hectic morning.  All these events together caused me to get a little stressed when trying to get out of the house quickly.
     So I watched the video below that I had filmed earlier.  A short simple video of Courtney laughing.  She is laughing and happy because she was being cared for by someone she loves.  That is what she knows and that is what matters to her.  And that's it.  She doesn't get weighed down by a busy schedule.  She doesn't concern herself with ongoing issues.  She doesn't worry about anything.  I wish that more often I could be like her and only concern myself with being loved in that moment.  Sometimes I wish I could think and reason like a child more often.  Maybe I will.

Grace & Peace