Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fasting from Our Phones

     Often when we think of fasting our mind immediately jumps to fasting by not eating food.  But what if we chose to look at it from a broader perspective during this season of lent and beyond.  Last night during youth worship we talked about fasting from our cell phones and other electrical gadgets.  I think the way our teenagers (and even me) are plugged in and "dependent" on our phones that it would be harder to fast from our phones these days than it would be to fast from food.
     We have become so dependent on staying plugged in that it is very hard for us to not have our phone in our pocket or connected to our face.  I pick up my keys, wallet, and cell phone every morning like clockwork.  When I leave the house, I know when my phone is not with me.  We have this constant need to stay connected by playing games, checking facebook statuses, texting, etc.
     Last night I challenged the youth to pick a set amount of time and a set time each day to put up their cell phone and not use it.  I challenge anyone reading this to do the same.  Then spend that time reading scripture, being still and praying, or even talking to your family.  So pick a time each day over the next week, or month, or longer to go without your cell phone.  Take time to be still.  Take time to read scripture.  Take time to fellowship with others.  Take time to pray.  Most of all take time away from your need to have your cell phone with you.  I think you will be amazed how much you can accomplish with those extra few minutes a day.

"be still and know that I am God."  Psalm 46:10

Grace & Peace

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