This morning we were out of turkey for my lunch and I made the comment that I didn't have any money on me to buy lunch. Carson said: "that's okay dad, you can have money out of my piggy bank to buy your lunch." It doesn't matter that in order to do that I would have in all likelihood had to pay in pennies, dimes, and nickles. Which I'm sure would make the cashier so happy. What matters is he was willing to give me his money to me so I can eat, simply because he loves me and saw a need. He knows no other way. It is simple to him. It is loving to him.
Wouldn't it be great if we kept that child like thinking as adults? If we were able to give some of what we had, even if it was just a little, when we heard a plea and saw a need. Simply because we loved someone. And after all we are called to love everyone. How much of a difference could we make? How much simpler would things be?
"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child."
1 Corinthians 13:11
Carson's reasoning is so simple. I wish that sometimes my reasoning could be as simply as his was this morning. His reasoning came out of thoughtfulness and love. He knows that to be the way. There's no turkey, dad needs lunch, he can use my money to eat. Wow!! How I wish it was that simple. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. But the mind of a child is a great thing. Carson knows love. He gets love. He loves. He is loved.
PS-I went to subway to get a turkey sandwich. I wonder how I paid for it :)